Jito officially announced that it has opened up repledge deposits, with an initial deposit limit of 147,000 SOLs. So far, 62,906 SOLs have been deposited, leaving a quota of 84,094 SOLs.
Solayer announced the launch of the Restaking endogenous AVS standard on the Solana mainnet. Solayer's unique advantage is to leverage Solana's staking weight QoS to create a decentralized cloud marketplace on top of it. Participants can obtain sSOL by staking SOL, and then delegate the sSOL to selected e-AVS, resulting in native staking revenue (8.12%), MEV boost, and AVS revenue. Solayer also released the v1 power builder package, which allows developers to directly interact with core function...
On June 26, Mellow Protocol issued a document saying that Mellow Restaking Vaults has reached the deposit limit, and the current TVL is $162,313,462. The official added that the deposit limit will be raised soon.
On March 28th, according to official sources, the Restarting Paradigm initiated by ether. fi and Manta Network is currently underway. Users can pledge ETH through the official website of the Manta Restarting event to receive twice the ether.fi second round airdrop points and EigenLayer airdrop points in advance, as well as the liquidity token weETH. Previously, it was reported that the second round of ether.fi token airdrops will account for 5% of the total token count
3月28日消息,据官方消息,ether.fi与Manta Network发起的Restaking Paradigm正在进行中。用户将ETH通过Manta Restaking活动官网质押,可提前获得2倍ether.fi二轮空投积分、EigenLayer空投积分,且可获得流动性代币weETH。此前消息,ether.fi代币空投第二轮将占代币总量5%
Od据官方消息,以太坊再质押 Restaking 项目 Kelp DAO 加入 Manta Network 生态,将加入 Manta Restaking Paradigm 活动,允许用户质押 ETH 获得 rsETH,KEP 空投及 EigenLayer 积分。 Stargate 已支持将 rsETH 跨链至 Manta Pacific。当前 Restaking Paradigm 已支持 ether.fi,用户可质押 ETH 获得 eETH、ether.fi 第二轮空投及 EigenLayer 空投积分。
Od官方消息,目前 ether.fi 与 Manta Network 发起的 Restaking Paradigm 正在进行中,可提前获得 ether.fi 第二轮空投积分的产品。用户将 ETH 通过网页(https://restaking.manta.network/)质押,可获得 2 倍 ether.fi 积分,且可获得流动性代币 weETH。 据 ether.fi 代币经济模型,空投将分为两轮,分别占到代币总量的 6%和 5%。
OdManta Network 联合 ether.fi 推出首期 Restaking Paradigm,用户可在相关网页(https://restaking.manta.network/ )通过 ETH 主网或 Manta Pacific 质押 ETH,获得双倍 ether.fi 空投积分。目前 ether.fi 已确认将上线币安。之后,Manta Network 还将与更多 Restake 再质押项目推出 Restaking Paradigm。